Development Policies: Local Opportunities and Local Development Bilal Bağış  - Kitap

Development Policies: Local Opportunities and Local Development

Bilal Bağış (Editör)

1. Baskı, 
Ekim 2019
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Kitabın Fiyatı:
İndirimli (%7):
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
The Local Development and Local Opportunities book is one of the first of its kind, in particular in the context of development of the small Anatolian cities.
The book, on one hand, discusses opportunities offered by the small Anatolian cities; and on the other hand, shares new proposals for potential development programs. The book, as the last in a series of new academic activities between 2016-2018, is related to development concerns in a self-organized small city in the Eastern Anatolia.
Kitabın Konu Başlıkları
The Development Vision and Effective Use of The Local Opportunities
Evaluation of Energy Efficiency İncentive Policies on Agricultural Sector İn Turkey Within The Scope of Sustainable Development
İnternational Migration and İts İmpacts on Local Development
A Possible Way Out For Local Development: Efficient Use of The Social Capital
Sme's İnnovation Strategies in Preparation to İndustry 4.0
Marketing İssues and Recommended Solutions For Sme's in The Bingöl Province
Public Subsidies to The City Of Bingöl and Their Contributions to The Regional Economy
İmpacts of a New İslamic Financing Method, The Put Model, on Local Development
Human Development and Economic Growth in Turkey and China: an Empirical Analysis of The Causal Relationship
İslamic Economics and Finance as an Alternative Approach to Financing The Local Development
Leading Sectors of Local Development: The Bingöl Province Example
Energy Consumption, Co2 Emission And Gdp Per Capita in The United States: An İnvestigation of The Causal Relationships
The Role and İmportance of Tourism And Recreation Activities in The Development of The Bingöl Province
Alternative Solution Methods for Local Development: an Assessment of The Ekofin Activities Case
Female Labor Force Participation in Turkey: an Analysis of Some Prominent Trends