Kosovo Issue and Turkey Nationalism in The Balkans Mehmet Cem Oğultürk  - Kitap

Kosovo Issue and Turkey Nationalism in The Balkans

1. Baskı, 
Haziran 2020
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
İn international politics, theuation of a region with multiple actors such as the Balkans is only possible by means of a many-sided and comprehensive study. The truths that are encountered in relation to the Balkans are the influences of demography, geography and extemal forces on Balkan geopolitics and history. Kosovo is also, because of its geographical location, constituting a crucial point in the Balkans, strategically in a very important region. Because of this fact, from past to present it has become a lot of countries' interest.
After the Cold War, with the help of revolutions of 1989, world vvitnessed the changing movements and democratization process with togetherthe rebirth of nationalism in former communist regime of Central and Eastern Europe. Nationalism dominated the political discussion and analysis of the Balkans in the length of the time. Nationalism became an important instrument in orderto activate the hostilities among the ethnic groups before and during the Balkan conflicts. Hovvever it is not the only source of the conflict in Balkans.
During the post-Cold War period, Turkish foreign policy gained several new aspects and experienced significant changes. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and breakup of the communist regimes in the Balkans, the Iron Curtain vvhich divided Turkey and Balkan states disappeared and these developments brought out a renevved Turkish interest and connection in the region. Hovvever this early optimism gave way to stability and security concerns with the bloody disintegration of Yugoslavia and the emergence of new conflicts and vvars in the Balkans. Turkey had to bring forth new approaches and policies in order to face the difficulties in this unstable geopoiitical atmosphere.
Kosovo issue is also a multifaceted one that has historical foundation. Considering the plans of global povvers över Balkans, Kosovo issue seems likely to effect the stabilization of ali Balkans, Caucasus, and the Middle East. By Kosovo's declaring its independence the issue became more complicated contrary to come to a solution.
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