Individual Differences in English Language Education Teacher and Learner Motivation Işıl Yalçın, Özlem Karaağaç Tuna  - Kitap
Individual Differences in English Language Education

Teacher and Learner Motivation

1. Baskı, 
Haziran 2023
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
Within the developing world, the existing topics and concepts need to be adapted and improved in order to fit the emerging needs. Keeping this in mind, Individual Differences in English Language Education: Teacher and Learner Motivation aims to provide insights into more quality education administration, implementation and materials-writing by presenting the intended audience – undergraduate and graduate students, language education researchers, academicians, EFL/ESL teachers, language school administrators and policymakers – with the most relevant and recent inquiries into teacher and learner motivation. This edited book has been made possible as a result of the authors' dedicated approach and care for precision. The authors are from secondary and tertiary levels of educational institutions in different regions of Türkiye. They describe various aspects of motivation in language education, from teacher burnout to language learning and teaching motivation during the pandemic, and from mindfulness to possible selves. Within the present book, the reader can be assured that they will encounter inspiring ideas, hints, suggestions, literature sources, and beneficial up-to-date information concerning the hot topics on teacher and learner motivation.