2.1. Institutional Legal Translation
2.2. Peculiar Nature of Legal Translation
2.2.1. Qualifications of Legal Translator
2.3. Historical Background of Legal Translation in Turkey
2.3.1. Translation Bureau in Courthouse
2.3.2. Legislation Applicable to Translators in Turkey
2.3.3. Current Criteria of Recruiting Legal Translators for Turkish Courthouses
2.4. Translator Training in Terms of Legal Translation in Turkey
2.4.1. Legal Translation Course
2.5. Legal Translators‟ Eligibility in Other Countries
2.5.6. Case of Switzerland
2.6. Relevant Research Studies
3.2. Overall Research Design of the Study
3.3. Participants of the Study
3.3.3. Role of the Researcher
3.4. Data Sources and Data Collection Instruments
3.4.1. Process of Literature Review
3.4.2. Interview Instruments
3.5. Data Collection Procedure
3.6.2. Generating Categories
3.6.3. Organizing and Defining the Data through Codes and Categories
3.6.4. Conclusion from Findings
3.7. Validity and Reliability of the Study
3.9. Delimitations of the Study
3.10. Limitations of the Study
4.3. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Methods
4.3.1. Strengths of the Methods
4.3.2. Weaknesses of the Existing Methods
5.2. Implications and Recommendations
5.2.1. Recommendations for Law Makers
5.2.2. Recommendations for Developers of the Legal Translation Services in the Turkish Judiciary
5.2.3. Recommendations for Curriculum Developers of the Departments of Translation Studies
5.2.4. Recommendations for Legal Translators
5.2.5. Recommendations for Students of Translation Studies
5.2.6. Recommendations for Researchers for Further Studies