This book is particularly written for the students who attend the department of English language and literatüre and study modemist English literatüre, especially modemist English fiction, in Turkey as well as in the non–English speaking countries.
During the first years of my teaching modemist English literatüre and modern English fiction, there were not many available reference sources and critical vvritings which vvould have helped my students understand properly what the causes were behind the emergence of literary modernisin, what literary modernism was, what were the characteristics of modemist fiction and how modemist fiction differed greatly from the fiction of the previous centuries.
In Turkey, I observed that the situation even became vvorse in the areas far away from the big cities due to the shortage of library facilities and critical vvritings, particularly on English literatüre, vvhile there vvere teaching and leaming materials for language teaching at universities.