Evaluation of Employer's Right of Termination in Construction Contracts Due to Default of the Contractor Within the Ambit of Provisions of FIDIC Contracts and Contracts for Work as Part of Turkish Tuğrul İnci  - Kitap

Evaluation of Employer's Right of Termination in Construction Contracts Due to Default of the Contractor Within the Ambit of Provisions of FIDIC Contracts and Contracts for Work as Part of Turkish

1. Baskı, 
Ocak 2019
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
Either order of an ornate vase by the landlordsa multi-million dollar railway projects tendered by the governments, basically, constitute contracts for work. FIDIC Rainbow Suite of contracts is specifically tailored for construction works in international context and terms of which can be resembled to articles of the Turkish Code of Obligations regulating the contracts for work in essence.
This book analyses employer contractor relations and reciprocatory obligations of them and in this context, ituates the right to terminate of the employer in case of breach of obligations by the contractor. As the construction sector develops and ments therein differ, both the Turkish Code of Obligation and FIDIC contracts' approach to this matter will change and diversify. Law is a living instrument and will keep evolving as the societies develop and go further. However, for starting point to understand this topic, I hope this book would create a vision.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Kitabın Konu Başlıkları
Law and Practice of FIDIC Contracts
Assesment of Legal Status of FIDIC Contracts under Turkish Contract Law
Contract for Work under Tco and Comparison With FIDIC Contracts
Deep Understanding of the Employer's Right for Termination Due to Default of the Contractor and the Procedure to be Followed in This Regard under the Ambit of TCO and FIDIC Contracts
Concluding Remarks and Summary
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