This case study endeavours to semtinize the extent to which RE plays a pivotal role in values education and to elucidate the perspeetives of RE teach-ers regarding values education vvithin RE elasses in schools across England and Wales. The initial segment of this research delves into philosophical debates concerning the objeetives of religious and values education, preceding an ex-ploration of the potential contributions of RE.
Subsequently, an empirical study involving RE teachers is presented, incorporating an online survey adminis-tered to 44 teachers and follow-up intervievvs condueted with 8 teachers. De-spite certain issues pertaining to the methodologies employed in religious and values education, both the philosophical discourse and the perspeetives articu-lated by teachers colleetively affirm that RE significantly contributes to values education. This is substantiated by its provision of an avenue for students to delve into the speetrum of religious and non-religious worldviews, thereby aiding in the development of critical thinking and rational autonomy essential for making moral judgements.