Presidential Decrees ( Türkiye – USA ) Prof. Dr. Hasan Tahsin Fendoğlu  - Kitap

Presidential Decrees ( Türkiye – USA )

1. Baskı, 
Şubat 2022
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
in this study, which we named Presidential Decrees (Türkiye - USA), we tried to research the Decrees of the Presidency in Türkiye and the USA.
We discussed Presidential Decrees and Discussions in the First Part, Regulatory Procedures of The Presidency of The United States in the Second Part and Constitution and Constitutional Jurisdiction in The United States in the Third Part.
in this study, we will research on Presidential Decrees in Türkiye and the USA. Among few books on Turkish law written in English are the General Principles of Turkish Law, vvritten by Prof. Güven, The Introduction to Turkish Law, edited by Tuğrul Ansay and Don Wallace JR (where the section on constitutional law written by Ergun Ozbudun) and Constitution and Human Rights written by Prof. Fendoğlu There are also invaluable policy pieces such as uWhat Are Human Rights (Basic Knowledge and the Developments in Turkey Concerning Human Rights)" of the Prime Ministry Human Rights Presidency.
A similar study have been done on human rights by Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecre-tariat of Public Order and Security, entitled "The Silent Revolution (Tur¬key's Democratic Change and Transformation Inventory (2002-2012) " in Turkey and so on.
Kitabın Konu Başlıkları
Presidential Decrees and Discussions
Regulatory Procedures of The Presidency of The United States and Türkiye
Constitution and Constitutional Jurisdictıon in The United States Compared With Türkiye
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