Law in the Digitalization Era ICLAS 2019 Proceedings Book Dr. Murat Oruç  - Kitap

Law in the Digitalization Era

ICLAS 2019 Proceedings Book

1. Baskı, 
Eylül 2019
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
We are pleased to organize the 8th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS) in Istanbul, Turkey. Hosted by Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, this year ICLAS 2019 is held under the theme of "Law in the Digitalization Era". The idea of the theme of the conference is arising from the fact that the digitalization is expeditiously spreading to all the fields of life and it has become an undeniable phenomenon of today's world. This new phenomenon has also brought new problems, necessities, and new facts that the field of law needs to involve in. Therefore, we aim to monitor and discuss the new challenges to the field of law in this new digitalization era and propose new solutions accordingly.
Kitabın Konu Başlıkları
Online Mediation in Malaysia: With Reference to the Practice of Mediation in the Family Support Division of the Syariah Judiciary Department, Nora Abdul Hak
Transforming the Constitutional Court of Indonesia in the Digital Era: Making Justice More Accessible to the People, Hani Adhani – Khairil Azmin
Fighting Children Addiction to Internet Video Gaming: ment for a 'Shut Down Law', Asmida Ahmad
Nur Fazini Asro binti Ramzi Sulaiman
Law 2.0: Formulation and Coding of Legal Norms within the Scope of a Calculus System Modelled Upon Arithmetic, Kadir Akgül
The Digitalization of Registration of Land Title in Malaysia: A Review to Strengthen the Indefeasibility of Title, Amir Nur Ikhwan Amernudin
An Assessment on the Applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Cyber Warfare, Eda Aycan Aras
New VAT Regulations for E–Commerce Transactions, Arif Ayluçtarhan – Ramazan Durgut
Right to Benefit of Defence Counsel and Artificial Intelligence in Law, Murat Balcı
Legal Challenges in Protecting Children against Cyber Bullying in Malaysia: An Appraisal, Roslina Che Soh @ Yusoff – Duryana Mohamed
Freedom of Expression and Social Media: An Appraisal on the Trump Twitter Case, Aslan Delice
Enhancing Access to Justice via ICT; An appraisal of the Malaysia Courts, Norliah Ibrahim
Smart Contracts, Dilşah B. Kartal
Contemporary Trends of Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the EU: A Critical Analysis of the EU ODR Platform, Serkan Kaya
Employee and Employer Relations in the Digital Era, M. Refik Korkusuz
Leveraging Fintech to Enhance Waqf Management Under the State Islamic Religious Council (SIRC) in Malaysia, Nor Asiah binti Mohamad
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Matrimonial Disputes: A Criticaluation of the Malaysian Practice, Najibah Mohd Zin – Nora Abdul Hak – Hidayati Mohamed Jani
Legal Standards of EU GDPR and Implications for Digitalization Process, Muruga Perumal Ramaswamy
Digitalization of Court Administration and Access to Justice: The Experience of the Indonesian Judiciary, Iwan Satriawan – Tanto Lailam – Zulfiani Ayu – Faishal Aji Prakosa
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