Üniversitelerin Hazırlık Bölümleri ve Meslek Yüksek Okulları İçin Genel İngilizce:
Daydreaming about your future will not bring you what you want. The only way to get what you want is to decide with clarity and focus exactly what you want to create.
It is unquestionably meaningless to discuss the importance of a foreign language in todays fast paced world of business.The would–be professionals face countless challenges as they seek to achieve their objectives in business circles and countless graduates experience similiar hindrances to further their academic pursuits due lack of proficiency in English language ,now the worldwide common language.The prerequisite of at least a foreign language has already left its place to a second languageeven to a third one to get the leading edge in the current dynamic and rapidly evolving pace of business life.
Within this context,its inevitable to make a confession about the reality of the case.Additionally,bearing in mind the fact that graduation from university makes no sense alone without mastering a foreign language,the importance of English as a second language becomes far more eye–catching. Time flies but what really matters is to be able to fit as much possible as we can into it, one of which is unavoidably to leam a foreign language (s) for we have to keep constantly abreast of global developments.
Making allowance for what the real needs of English learners are, I devoted my lifetime to the creation of a peculiar and multi–purpose source constituted wholly by my own experience based upon painstaking and ceaseless efforts while being on internationally appreciated ground.This source and its peculiar coverage of English substructure linked with spoken English truly offers an authentic and internationally appreciated language proficiency.The painstakingly patterned and gradually intensified handling of substructure enhances learning for those craving to learn and teach English as a second language and boosts self–confidence and motivation alike by making the language pleasantly understandable.lt will additionally enable you to obtain the opportunity to focus exclusively on developing a day by day based language skill– acqusition with joy and satisfaction.The flow of innovative examplification and abundance of meticulously and attentively chosen formation of the substructure throughout the book offers unique advantage over academic exams and builds up a truly stimulating and well–rounded academic experience and proficiency for language enthusiasts.