The Direct and Indirect Effects Of Perfectionism and Body Related Perceptions on Dispositional Flow in Exercise Setting Dr. Gaye Erkmen Hadi  - Kitap

The Direct and Indirect Effects Of Perfectionism and Body Related Perceptions on Dispositional Flow in Exercise Setting

1. Baskı, 
Aralık 2019
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Kitabın Fiyatı:
İndirimli (%7):
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
it has been reported in previous studies that optimal performance is a very important concept to continue the commitment of individuals to activities in physical terms and to exercise settings. For this reason, it is considered important that different aspects of the factors that affect flow and how it contributes to the continuation of exercise behaviors are investigated, because these factors provide a different perspective inuating the benefıts obtained by an individual in participating regular exercise in psychological terms. in the light of these considerations, the present study has been conducted on the variables that are supposedly affect, directlyindirectly, the flow experince of individuals in exercise settings; and attempts have been made to share the outcomes with you in this book.
Institute of Social Sciences, with the title "The Direct And Indirect Effects Of Perfectionism And Body Related Perceptions On Dispositional Flow in Exercise Setting", contributes to the literatüre in that it shows the relations betvveen perfectionism, body related perceptions and dispositional flow state of people who do regular exercises, and I hope it can offer alternative insights.
t has been reported in previous studies that optimal performance is a very important concept to continue the commitment of individuals to activities in physical terms and to exercise settings. For this reason, it is considered important that different aspects of the factors that affect flow and how it contributes to the continuation of exercise behaviors are investigated, because these factors provide a different perspective inuating the benefıts obtained by an individual in participating regular exercise in psychological terms. in the light of these considerations, the present study has been conducted on the variables that are supposedly affect, directlyindirectly, the flow experince of individuals in exercise settings; and attempts have been made to share the outcomes with you in this book.
Kitabın Konu Başlıkları
Literatüre Review
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