Opening Doors To Success Emrah Altuntecim  - Kitap

Opening Doors To Success

1. Baskı, 
Kasım 2016
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
Emrah Altuntecim's aim in this book is to present the topic of psychology and communication, which is of vital importance in business life and private life. "Opening Doors To Success" addresses such topics as the working principles of our sensory organs and brain, forms of perception, effectiveness of feelings and thoughts in purchasing behaviour, the concept of neuromarketing, differences between the attitudes and behaviours of men and women, and physical conditions which are indispensable in the field of communication skills, sales skills, personal development and psychology. In addition, the book also addresses what the concept of space, which is a critical factor for perception, involves, and the perceptual and psychological effects of physical elements.
When the main subject of the book is read, digested, and observations are made in the field, it will be possible for you to directly reap the benefit of the book on the following: Naturalness in body language and communication techniques, an apparent and gradual increase in your sales, an increase in employee satisfaction and the sense of belonging to the company, a reduction in costs as a result of more wisely and accurate investments into environments of business, reduction in employee and customer fatigue, planning marketing, advertising and image activities in a more accurate way and with lower costs, positive communication and more happiness in your professional and private life…