Effect Of Perception Management 
 On Customer Loyalty, Company Profitability and Average Lifetime Dr. Yunus Emre Kayabaş  - Kitap

Effect Of Perception Management

On Customer Loyalty, Company Profitability and Average Lifetime

1. Baskı, 
Mart 2022
Kitabın Detayları
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
Kitabın Açıklaması
The objective of this analysis is to assess the loyalty of perception man-agement, the company's profitability and the effect on the company's life time. Perception management has opened the way for profitability of companies that have been recognized in developed countries' enterprises. A loyalty phe-nomenon characterized at this level supports the company's longer life span with the size of loyalty and profitability betu/een businesses, as well as betvveen businesses and customers. This model brings a new perspective on business management, perception management, customer loyalty, company profitability and company average life span. We see perception management as the most innovative and effective instrument implemented by day-to-day management, customer loyalty, profitability and average life expectancy of firms. in this con-text, this Ph.D. study was also conducted to measure perceived management's most important supporter of business management, customer loyalty, company profitability and the effect on company life span. To this end, perceptions management indicators, customer loyalty, company profitability and the effect on the company's average life span were analyzed. Ultimately, it is crucial to understand and measure customer loyalty, company profitability and average life span of the company, which are influenced by perception management. Finding out what to do to extend customer loyalty, company profitability and company life expectancy and building strong relationships can perfect the firm in the eyes of managers. This is because the number of loyal customers will increase as managers have a high performance perception.
Kitabın Konu Başlıkları
Perception Management
Customer Loyalty
Company Profitability
Company Average Life Tıme
Result and Suggestions